Modern Slavery Act Statement
This is the Anti-Slavery Statement of H&A IT solutions Limited "(H&A)” for the financial year ending 31 August 2022 in accordance with section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015.
About H&A and our supply chain
H&A is an IT and engineering consultancy supplying services to its clients such as digital transformation, project delivery, organisational optimisation, managed services, consultancy services, training and cloud services.
H&A supply chain includes the procurement of:
IT consultancy services from consultants and recruitment agencies;
IT equipment and related software and services;
Office equipment and related supplies;
Cleaning services for its premises;
Professional services from its professional advisers;
Digital marketing and web design consultancy services.
​Policy in respect of anti-slavery and human trafficking
H&A has in place an Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy. H&A takes a zero tolerance approach to any instances of slavery or human trafficking that are identified in its supply chain. The Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy also outlines H&A's expectations in respect of practices concerning slavery and human trafficking prevention.
H&A encourages employees and contractors to report suspected breaches of the Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy in accordance with its whistleblowing policy.
In addition to the Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy, H&A has in place processes and procedures to identify risks of slavery and human trafficking in its business and its supply chains, including:
fair and transparent recruitment procedures;
risk assessments of its supply chain in relation to slavery and human trafficking giving consideration to country risk and product/service risk;
following a risk based approach to anti-slavery and human trafficking due diligence on its suppliers; and
contractual controls, including anti-slavery and human trafficking provisions.
Training and communications
Anti-slavery and human trafficking training is provided to staff involved in procuring supplies for the business. We also make such staff aware of the “red flags” of slavery and human trafficking that they should consider when dealing with suppliers during contractual negotiations, site visits or any interaction with the supplier and its workers.
This statement has been approved by the board of directors of H&A IT Solutions at a board meeting dated 02 September 2022.